WashU Extended Learning
WashU Extended Learning (WUEx) is a Learning Management System used for not-for-credit, continuing education, professional development, and other programs. WUEx, powered by Canvas, is a separate version of Canvas not tied to university enrollment systems.
Examples of learning experiences which are offered on WashU Extended Learning include:
- Non-curricular / not-for-credit courses
- Learning experiences for non-WashU students
- Para-curricular learning experiences (like orientations)
- Professional, continuing, and executive education courses

WashU Extended Learning
Current WashU Students, Faculty, and Staff can use their WUSTL Key/email to log into WUEx. If you are not a current WashU student, faculty, or staff member, log in with your non-WashU account.
To contact support for WashU Extended Learning, click the Help button within the system or contact your program administrator. WUEx is additionally supported by school Canvas administrators. Refer to the list of School and Department Canvas Administrators for details and contact information.