Canvas EGrades Re-enabled in WashU MyCanvas 
Canvas EGrades is a WashU tool that instructors can use in WashU MyCanvas to submit mid-term and final grades to EGrades. It was disabled earlier in Spring 2020, but as of April 10, 2020, Canvas EGrades has been updated and re-enabled in WashU MyCanvas.
The updated version better aligns Canvas EGrades with user expectations and the full functionality of the Canvas Gradebook. The updated process for using Canvas EGrades is detailed in the Canvas EGrades Quick Guide. The link for Canvas EGrades is now visible to instructors and support staff via the Course Navigation menu in all MyCanvas courses.
If you have any questions, contact your School Canvas Administrator.
Blackboard Retired December 31, 2019
As of December 31, 2019 faculty, students, and staff are no longer be able to log in to Blackboard. If you need to access past Blackboard courses, you must contact your School Canvas Administrator to submit a request. Requests will be managed on a case-by-case basis.
Two Factor Authentication
As of November 28, 2018, all students are required to enroll in 2FA (two factor authentication) for all WUSTL key enabled applications. If you have not enrolled, visit the Information Technology website for step-by step directions.