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Washington University in St. Louis
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Notes & Status
Notes & Status
Faculty/Staff Support
Faculty/Staff Support
Using Canvas with EGrades
Canvas Feature Development Process
Common Issues and Concerns
External Tools
School-Level Support
Creating a Canvas Community Account
Student Support
Tools and Resources
Tools and Resources
WashU Extended Learning
WashU Canvas Insider
Software Features Comparison
Organizational Alternatives Matrix
Open Search
Commons Issues and Concerns
A course is missing from my Dashboard
A student is missing from my course. What do I do?
Can I build a future course in my Demo Course?
How can I access my Blackboard course materials after Blackboard is retired?
How do I adjust assignment due dates for an individual student, such as when a student hasn’t completed a course or needs an extension?
How do I request a new organization?
How do I suggest a Canvas feature?
How do I unmerge sections of a course?
How do I use Turnitin?
How is merging sections different from cross-listing courses?
How long should courses be accessible after the end of the term?
I can’t log in to Canvas
I need to add someone to my class.
I need to know how to…
I want my name to display differently.
I want to merge multiple sections of a course.
Students can’t access a course file or component. (e.g., They receive an “unauthorized” message.)
Students can’t access my course.
What historical Blackboard data will I be able to access?
What is the process for submitting grades from Canvas to EGrades?
What is Turnitin’s Similarity Report and how is it interpreted?
What training is available?
When will Blackboard be retired?
Who is my School Canvas Admin?