This is your central repository for information related to the Canvas Sunrise project.

  • External Tools (LTI’s)
    LTI vendors have been contacted regarding potential issues with the move to Workday. Up to this point, we do not foresee any issues regarding LTI issues in Canvas when we go-live with Workday. AC – no data loss on the Ext Tools. Link to problem with External Tool link to external tool list. Potentially remove dependent on vendor responses.
  • Grade Entry Changes
    To be determined. AC – Canvas Gradebook (least impacted, Universal ID etc), Canvas EGrades, Workday Grading (StudentID).
  • Terminology Changes
    The move to Workday Student entails some new nomenclature and some current terminology changes. The links below provide an excellent overview of Workday Student terms:
  • Universal ID
    Workday Student will shift the primary data identifier in Canvas from the Student ID (aka, SISId) to the Universal ID (aka ‘WUPeopleID’). The move to the Universal ID has been a long time coming and will provide a unique identifier, common across University systems. AC – Keep for now.